4 Ways to Live Your Spiritual Identity in Jesus

4 Ways to Live Your Spiritual Identity in Jesus by Curt Landry for Charisma News

Part 1Why Understanding Your Identity Is Key in Spiritual Battles

Understanding your identity is key in spiritual battles. It is the first thing you must do. It is only because of your identity in Yeshua that you can come boldly into the throne room of God and know that you are a victor and that your gifts and armor are already paid and prepared for you.

When you seek God first, He honors you. Part of seeking Him is to understand who He says you are and believe His Word about you. Go into the Courts of Heaven and know you are washed white as snow.

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As you learn more about spiritual warfare, here are some questions to ask yourself.

  • Question 1: What is my understanding of spiritual warfare?

So, for me, 33 years of being around spiritual warfare, I’ll answer it this way. I see a real lack of understanding, even in the body of Christ. There is a lack of understanding of the gift, the authority and the power of spiritual warfare.

One place you see this is in a prayer meeting or some type of intercessory meeting. Very few people attend versus big sensational events. This is because people lack the understanding that if you want to get a breakthrough in an area in your life, then it will come from prayer and doing spiritual warfare in prayer.

  • Question 2: What are the pieces of the armor in Ephesians 6, and what do they mean?

Well, basically the armor is Jesus. You are putting on Jesus and all the things that He represents.

One thing about God’s full armor is that you must think about it consciously. When you’re praying, understand that you’re protected, you’re provided and you’re taking on that identity of Yeshua. I want you to focus on the fact that it’s a way to say, “Okay, I’m putting on Jesus,” but I want to go to a deeper level of it.

Start in Ephesians 6:10: “Finally, brethren, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.”

And then there’s a command: “Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. So we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers and darkness of this age, rulers of darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness and heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you’ll be able to stand in the evil day, stand therefore having gird your waist with truth.”

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